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Amazon Prime Day Recommendations

Amazon Prime Day Recommendations


It’s that wonderful time of year we all wait for, Amazon Prime Day! If you’ve never participated in this shopping event from Amazon, I am so excited for you to read this post! I have put together some of the best deals, including some of my favorites, for this year’s Prime Day. All details are down below, and I hope you’re as excited as I am to start building your wish list!

Prime Day Details

First and foremost, what is the Amazon Prime Day event? Amazon selects a few days each year to run their very best deals for customers who have Amazon Prime. Now, they also run deals for customers who do not have prime, but the best of the best is reserved for Prime members. You’ll see it on my list, but one of the best deals they have is actually on a Prime membership!

One of the most important things about Amazon Prime Day is that it’s not just one day, it’s 2! This year it is July 12 & 13. You can start building your wish list now, though, so that once July 12th gets here you know exactly what you want to purchase!

My Top Recommendations

Amazon Prime Membership

This is hands down the first recommendation I have to purchase on Prime Day! There are so many amazing benefits to being an Amazon Prime member, that the next day shipping is almost old news. On top of the lightning fast shipping, you also have access to Prime Video and Amazon music. You can try Amazon Prime for free before committing, but honestly I have never had buyers remorse from being an Amazon Prime Member!

Click here for more details on everything that’s included in your Amazon Prime membership and to start your free trial!

All Things Tech

woman holding tablet computer

The tech category is certainly the main category shoppers benefit from buying during Prime Days. There are so many amazing tech deals that it didn’t make sense for me to break them all down one by one. Instead I’m going to bullet point them down below and let you go for it! Remember, this list is not all encompassing. I definitely recommend shopping the deals early to see if there’s any other tech you’re interested in that’s on sale!


woman wearing peach dress and black jacket s left hand closeup photography

Amazon puts a ton of their clothing on sale during Prime Day from swimsuits to everyday basics! Here are a few links to clothing on sale based on categories. A lot of my favorites com from the Fitness Essentials category, but I also love a good Amazon bikini! Remember, some of your favorites could also be on sale if you don’t find them on this list!

For Your Home

black and brown vintage toaster

Prime Day deals are also really great on things for the home like kitchen appliances and decor. Some of my favorite deals I have listed here, and I’m sure there are many more that I’m missing. If you can imagine it, I’m almost positive it will be on sale for you!


woman in white top and denim jeans sitting on red luggage bag

I could go on and on about my favorite Amazon travel essentials. Instead, I figured I would just link my previous post where I give my absolutely top favorite travel essentials. Read here if you want to see what travel must haves I recommend shopping for during this deal!

Final Thoughts

Amazon Prime Day is one of the best opportunities to get your hands on something you’ve been wanting to try, or even stock up on, all year long! Take the opportunity to shop early and put your eyes on as many possibilities as you can. If you have any of your own top recommendations please leave them down below in the comments!

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