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Best Barre Core Exercises

Best Barre Core Exercises


If you asked what my favorite muscle group is to work, hands down it’s always been abs. I am a huge fan of working out my core because, for me, it feels like instant gratification! It doesn’t take much to get a great ab burn, and one of the best workouts for your core is barre. Being a certified barre instructor, I know my opinion might seem jaded. But, I’ve done a lot of different type of exercise and can tell you that barre abs are like no other. After taking and instructing for over 4 years, I definitely have found my favorite and most effective core exercises.

Check out my top favorite barre core exercises and why below!


The plank movement is certainly not exclusive to barre. We do use it a ton in our classes though, everywhere from the warm up to the dedicated ab exercises. Planks are so effective because even though it is classified as a core exercise, you’re really working full body. Supporting your weight with your arms and shoulders, squeezing your glutes to keep stable, and holding your core as tight as possible all leads to one of the most effective core exercises you can imagine!

Another great thing about planks is there are a million different modifications to the movement that can target specific areas. Side planks, hip dips, shoulder taps, there is so much you can do!

Windshield Wipers

This movement probably has a handful of names, and is one of the most effective core exercises I have ever done. Lying flat on your back with your legs extended upward, the basic movement is to let your legs drop from side to side. That’s where I get the name windshield wipers! An important aspect of this movement is to make sure to keep your hips tucked and lower back glued to the ground. Lessening your range of motion is the perfect way to modify to find your best working zone.

In barre, we utilize this movement towards the end of our core series when we’re wanting to focus on lower abs. If you get the chance to lie down and try it out, you’ll see why I put it on the list. The lower ab burn is almost immediate!

Scissor Kicks

I have the strongest love/hate relationship with this movement. It probably comes from having low flexibility in my hamstrings, but scissor kicks have always been a problem movement for me. I usually have to modify by lessening range of motion or just slowing down. Regardless, if you’re wanting that full ab burn from deep within your core, this is what you’re looking for! I’ve said it before, but sometimes slower is more effective. I think that certainly rings true when it comes to scissor kicks!

For a typical ab series in barre, I would layer in scissor kicks towards the end. These are such a strong, full core burner that I like to do them when my core is already fatigued. That’s where the best bang for your buck comes in, and it feels great to finish with a tough movement like this!

Twisting Crunch

If we’re talking about core exercises we can’t forget about the obliques. A twisting crunch is another exercise, like planks, that can be done a million different ways. You can do these with your feet on the ground, at a tabletop, or even with your legs fully extended upward. The twisting motion targets that center core, but also gets deep into your obliques. This is another one of those “hurts to good” movements because I fatigue quickly, but feel so strong when I’m done!

In a typical barre class, we can utilize a twisting crunch at any point when focusing on abs. I’ve layered them into ab warm ups, when focusing on mid/high core, and also towards the end of a series. My favorite modification for this movement is to have my legs extended straight towards the ceiling and reach for the outside of each ankle. It’s a total killer and works like a charm!


One of the most important things I try to mention in every barre class I teach is that your core does not just consist of your abs. The reality is, our core wraps around the entirety of our trunk, or center body, and that includes your lower back! My favorite movement to work that lower back area is a superman. These are tough and best taken slow to get the most out of the movement. Staying slow and controlled will get you the most payoff, and so much stronger throughout your entire core.

Queues we try to give clients include keeping hip bones pressed down towards the floor while trying to keep the chest lifted. Gaze can be at the ground or neutral, but we don’t want clients to crank their neck up to look towards the ceiling. That can get the spine out of whack which is not what we’re trying to do. Squeezing the glutes and backs of the legs to raise the thighs off of the ground while also lifting the chest works that lower back so well!

Final Thoughts

While this isn’t a comprehensive list, this is a great set of solid movements to build and maintain great ab and core strength. Remember that when working abs, slow and steady is better than losing form and blowing through a bunch of reps. Maintaining your breath, exhaling on the crunch or point of work, and keeping yourself fully activated will help get you to that strong core we all desire!

If you’re interested in any of my other barre specific posts, you can check them out here & here!

What are your favorite core exercises? Leave any that weren’t on this list down below in the comments!