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CrossFit Cardio Workout

CrossFit Cardio Workout


I recently got to go back to my home CrossFit gym in Tennessee while traveling for work. One of the morning sessions was an awesome, true to CrossFit workout that I really enjoyed even though I’ve been out of the CrossFit game for a while. Check out the workout down below, along with modifications or advancements to make it your own!

The Workout

20 Minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible)

6 Deadlifts 225/155/125

5 Bar Muscle Ups

10 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Snatch

200 m Run

Repeat for 20 Minutes

The Breakdown

In case any of that doesn’t make sense, here’s the breakdown of the workout. First, you’ll start with 6 deadlifts, preferably without having to drop the barbell or break. The weights suggested are 225 lbs for men, 155 lbs for ladies, and 125 lbs for the Masters division for older athletes. Then, you’ll move on to 5 bar muscle ups. If you’re like me and cannot do bar muscle ups, then you can do 6 pull ups instead. Those pull ups can be butterfly, kipping, strict, or jumping! Third, you move onto 10 alternating dumbbell hang snatches. This weight is totally up to you! I worked with a 20 lb weight and could have gone as high as 30 lbs. After your hang snatches, it’s time for a 200 meter run. When you’re done with the run you start over again at deadlifts and keep working until the 20 minutes is up!

Modifications and Advancements

A lot of CrossFit workouts are written as “RX”, or as prescribed. Typically, that can be outside of the majority of people’s wheelhouse. For this workout, the amount of weight you do for your deadlifts and hanging snatches is a great way to modify or beef up your workout! The bar muscle ups are another example of an advanced move in CrossFit. Choosing a way to get through 7 pull ups instead is a great option for athletes who aren’t comfortable or cannot do bar muscle ups. If you wanted to give yourself an extra challenge, you could turn those bar muscle ups into ring muscle ups for some spice!

If you try this workout, leave your final results in the comments below! I finished 5 full rounds, plus 6 deadlifts and 3 additional pullups.

Check out some of my other CrossFit workout blog posts here, here, and here!