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F45 Review: Post COVID!

F45 Review: Post COVID!


The first time I tried my local F45 studio was in the middle of COVID when they were under a lot of restrictions. I enjoyed the week of workouts overall, but definitely felt like there was something missing. We stayed in a squared off section, only used the equipment that was nearby, and didn’t have the option to do all of the different moves during a workout. Recently I have gone back a few times to the same F45 gym since those COVID restrictions were dropped. I have enjoyed it so much more! A few changes make a major difference in what I felt I was getting from the workouts. Keep reading to see my post COVID thoughts on this boutique workout!

The Rotation

In my first F45 review post I share that because of COVID, there were a lot of restrictions in place to allow the studio to be open. One of those was that we had to stay in a designated squared off area. So, each client had their square and they didn’t move from that spot the entire workout. This worked, but it definitely didn’t feel like I was getting the full F45 experience. Turns out, I was right!

Since those restrictions have been dropped I have experienced a handful of classes with full rotations between stations. It is so much tougher and so much more fun! You rotate throughout the studio doing lots of difference exercises. What I really enjoy is that although the exercises are all different, you can still sense there is a theme! So it might be a full body day, leg day, or cardio day. But, throughout the rotation you are getting all different types of moves to build those muscles and endurance!

The Equipment

This was a major complaint that I had during COVID restrictions with F45. Because we were restricted to a boxed area, we were only able to utilize the equipment that was around that box. So, again, that meant I felt like I was missing out on a lot of options! Now that you are able to rotate between all stations within the studio, that means all equipment is available! This opens up so much more of a challenge when it comes to these workouts. It also allows clients to build strength in different ways, which keeps the workouts fun and effective. The equipment in an F45 studio includes cycling bikes, sleds, hand weights, kettle bells, rowers, etc. I am so glad that all of this is now able to be used during each class!

The Comradery

Even though we had to all stay separated during the COVID restrictions, there was still a great vibe at my F45 studio. But, there’s nothing like being able to high five a friend or walk over to give an encouraging word during the workout. Even the warm ups are more fun when you can stand next to your favorite workout buddy! Another part that plays into the awesome vibe in an F45 studio is the commitment to that 45 minute workout. It automatically provides an great friendly and challenging atmosphere. The workout is timed to keep it efficient, so everyone wants to make the absolute most of their time there. I have enjoyed meeting all of the different people from the different classes I’ve been able to take!

Final Thoughts

Bottom line here is to try F45! I enjoyed it with the COVID restrictions, but am a loud fan of it now knowing how it works in the “normal” world. The workouts are efficient, always changing, and fun! The coaches and clients that I’ve met are all great and I imagine that is the case at most studios. One of the greatest perks is they always allow your first week of workouts to be totally free! Check out their site here to see where the closest F45 studio is to you!