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Find Your Workout Partner!

Find Your Workout Partner!


In the time I’ve spent working out over the years, I have had a couple of really amazing workout partners. I don’t know that I would have gotten through half of the tough workouts I can remember without one of these women pushing me outside of my comfort zone. There are a ton of reasons why I think having an accountability partner is important. But, I also know that choosing the right person is even more important! Below are a few tips and suggestions after finding my own awesome workout partners!

Why does it matter?

Working out by yourself is fine, and some people might prefer it. I get how the alone time can be nice, especially if you have a big family or super demanding career. I’ve spent time working out independently, in a classroom setting, and with a partner. I can tell you that hands down I prefer the class setting or workout partner options! Having eyes on me during a workout, or knowing someone is counting on me to show up, has always pushed me to work past my comfort zone.

I knew that if I missed 2 days of CrossFit in a row, I would have my workout partner Leslie AND an entire class of people at 5:30 am ready to give me a hard time. That is what got me out of bed and pushed me to get to the gym on mornings I would have rather hit snooze!

I know from experience that I work harder in a barre or spin class if I am physically in the studio instead of doing the class at home alone. There’s nothing like having an instructor walk over and push you right past where you thought your peak was!

Bottom line: having an accountability partner will get you to the gym on the days you don’t want to be there, and motivate you to work harder than you might by yourself!

Who do you pick?

Personally, my best workout partners are all women who’s strengths are my weaknesses, and vice versa. Because we are different, they are able to push me in challenging ways. I think it’s really important to have an accountability partner who will force you outside of your comfort zone. That is the only way you will stay challenged, get stronger, and stay motivated!

In the same breath, you need to have an accountability partner who is just as dedicated to their goals as you are to yours. One of you can’t be half in, while the other is half out. That doesn’t mean you have to have the same goals! It just means that having the same understanding of why your goals are important is a pillar for a strong gym partnership.

My Workout Partners:

So that you have some real life examples, I asked my workout partners if I could talk about them here, and they said yes! Here are examples of some of the women that I love to workout with, and why we are such great partners.


Leslie is one of my favorite people on the planet to workout with! Our biggest physical difference is our height, with me being 5’3″ and Leslie being closer to 5’8″. She loves to run, has always enjoyed it, and knows that I would rather die. So, in 2019 she challenged me to join her in doing a 5k each month of the year, and we did! Not only that, but we continued it into 2020.

On the flip side, I am strong with burpees and gymnastics movements in a CrossFit style workout because of how dense I am. Leslie’s height makes it much harder for her, and I am able to push her through those workouts to challenge her limits. We are both extremely competitive and very dedicated to our goals. If you get our energies moving in the same direction, there’s honestly no stopping us!

Leslie and I have more pictures together working out than I could fit in this post, but here are a few of my favorites 🙂


Opposite of Leslie, Heather and I are built almost exactly the same. We have been working out together for years, starting back in college. We are both short and able to build muscle pretty easily. One of our main differences is that I love to do core workouts, and Heather despises them. She would love to sneak out of the gym without doing abs for the rest of her life!

However, Heather is very dedicated to doing cardio, and I hate cardio. I am very involved with barre, and Heather loves the weight room. Between the two of us, we’re able to get well rounded workouts by pushing each other to do what we don’t necessarily love. Heather is not competitive like I am by nature, but she is one of the most motivated people I know. Her motivation fires me up, and keeps me wanting to challenge myself!

Heather and I are long distance best friends, so we don’t do a great job taking pictures when we are working out together. Instead, here are a few of my favorites of us enjoying ourselves AFTER a workout 🙂


Having a gym partner isn’t for everyone, but I would bet that it would push just about anyone to do more if they had one. Having someone to lean on during your off days, and support you in your big wins is a great feeling. Don’t choose someone who is just like you. Instead, pick someone who can improve your weaknesses and can rely on you to help with theirs! Working out and being active is about small improvements and taking time to focus on yourself. Have fun and built some awesome friendships while you’re at it!

Comment below who your accountability partner is and why you work out so well together!