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How To Fight Workout Burnout

How To Fight Workout Burnout


I don’t know about y’all, but I believe that burnout when it comes to working out is real! I definitely have some personal experience with burnout. Over time, I’ve stumbled across a handful of ideas that have helped me fight that feeling, and keep moving. Living a healthy lifestyle is hard, and it’s all about balance and consistency. Read along to see the tricks I’ve found help to fight the workout burnout!

Take Time Off

This is easy and hard at the same time. Usually burnout comes after you’ve been extremely consistent in a workout routine. You’re probably seeing results and making big strides in your fitness journey! But, burnout can easily set in when you’ve been spending a lot of time focusing on your workouts. I think it’s really important to remind yourself that it’s ok and necessary to take time off! Now, that looks different for everyone. Maybe it’s taking an extra rest day for a week or two. For me, it’s been taking 6 months off from CrossFit. Listen to your body and mind, and make sure you’re giving yourself the rest you need. Otherwise, you’ll burnout or worse, injure yourself.

Try New Things

This whole blogging experience has made working out and fitness so much more fun for me. I had been in the exact same workout routine with CrossFit and barre for over 3 years! In the last 6 months it has brought me so much joy to try and experience all types of different workouts. I’ve found workouts that I enjoy, ones that I don’t necessarily love, and some have fallen in between. I think it’s a fun feeling to walk into a workout you know nothing about and say, “Cool. Teach me!”. In my experience, once you get out there and try new stuff, you’ll be reminded as to why you love working out and fitness in the first place.

Change Your Routine

This doesn’t have to be as overwhelming as it sounds. In fact, it can be as easy as switching up what time you work out! If you normally work out in the evenings, try a morning workout. If you normally ride in the front corner of the cycling studio, switch to the back row. Different times and different perspectives can make a workout feel brand new sometimes! Another added bonus is you’ll probably meet new people and get to add to your workout community. You might even discover the change in your routine is something you want to keep permanent for a while!

Bring a Friend

This is one of my favorites! I love bringing friends with me to try workouts. First of all, it’s quality time spent with people you enjoy. Second, at least for me, working out with a friend makes it so much more fun! I’m all the time talking to friends and coworkers about coming to a barre class or joining me when I go try something new. Even if you bring a friend to a workout you’ve been doing for a while, it being new to them makes it a new experience for everyone!

Final Thoughts

All in all, I just want you to remember that fitness and living a healthy lifestyle is a journey. It’s not something that can be done in a day, and it’s also not something that will disappear in a week. Although consistency is key, sometimes a break can give you a whole new outlook and excitement! Taking time to hit “reset” is just as important as powering through a workout. Remember, taking care of yourself is supposed to be fun!

Leave any tips, tricks, or recommendations your have for fighting workout burnout down below in the comments!