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I Moved to Arkansas?!

I Moved to Arkansas?!


If you’ve followed me for any amount of time recently, you’ve seen that I picked up and moved down to Little Rock! There are a few driving forces for the move that I’ll get into down below. But, I really wanted to write this to talk through how it feels to move to somewhere new at 30. I moved away for college back when I was 18, and that was an entirely different experience. This time, it’s permanent and I’m in a completely different place in my life. Follow along with me here to see what I’m working through during this new and exciting journey!


This is obviously everyone’s number 1 question when I would tell them I was moving to Arkansas. The motivating factor for me is that my significant other is based out of Little Rock. We have been doing what I would consider extreme long distance for a little over a year. The back and forth driving/flying has been exhausting, but obviously worth it. Now, we are at a point where we want to finally try to be “normal” and live together!

What About Your Job?

This is usually the second question I would get about the move. I am very lucky to work for a large company that has opportunities all over the country. For the last 7 years, I have worked for a division based out of the corporate office in Tennessee. When we seriously started talking about one of us moving to the other it made the most sense for me to explore opportunities with my company. I am very blessed to have been able to find a role where I can continue to do something that I enjoy, am good at, and think I can add value with down here in Little Rock! I am very grateful to get to stay with a company I love while also being able to take a few steps forward in my personal life.

Are You Selling Your House?

Some people might think this is an obvious YES with how great of a sellers market it is right now. But, for me, I am very attached to my house in Knoxville. It was my first home that I bought by myself, and I didn’t want to give that up. So, instead, I decided to rent it! I live in a great part of town that is super convenient to just about everything, and in a family oriented neighborhood. I knew it would be a great place for someone looking to rent while waiting on this market to settle down. I’m planning on doing a post that goes into all of the steps that came with renting for the first time, so stay tuned for that!

What About Barre and Your Workouts?

This is something that anyone who really knows me knows was a big concern of mine! I’m obviously very active, but I also really enjoy being a barre instructor. It was hard for me to tell the studio owners and clients that I would be leaving. But, I do look forward to still taking and maybe even instructing through the live streaming option that Neighborhood Barre has!

As far as other workouts go, I plan on trying out new studios and gyms here. I have really enjoyed trying out new workouts in Knoxville, and I look forward to getting to do more of that in Little Rock! Stick around for those reviews coming soon 🙂

How Are You Going to Make New Friends?

Truthfully, nobody asked me this when I talked about moving to Arkansas. But, for me, this is probably my #1 fear with moving away. I have an INCREDIBLE circle of friends, family, and support around me in Knoxville. To say it was hard to walk away from that doesn’t even come close to how I feel. I know that I will be able to maintain those relationships that I am so grateful for, but not being able to see my closest friends and family every day is really hard.

When I moved to Alabama for college, I had no problem making new friends because that’s what everyone was doing. I joined a sorority, got a job (actually a few), and had the opportunity to meet people all the time! Now, it’s going to be a lot harder. I will be working full time, and will have a team of people I will get close to with my new role. But who knows if there will be anyone that I click with the way I have in the past. I will be living with my significant other and have him for support, but I don’t want to solely rely on him for that.

So, that all leads to the question of how the heck am I going to make friends? For starters, I hope to meet new people as I try out new workouts in the area. I’ve built relationships with some of the best people I know from the gym! Outside of that, I’m honestly not sure where I’ll meet new people. This will be a hard part of getting settled here, and I wanted to talk about it because I think it’s a totally natural fear for people to have!

Final Thoughts

Is moving to a new place in your 30’s, and moving in with your boyfriend, and changing jobs all at the same time scary? HELL YES! Is it also super exciting to be doing something new and challenging for the first time in a while? ABSOLUTELY! I really look forward to building a life here in Little Rock and getting to experience a ton of new things. The unknown is always a little scary, but it’s going to be fun too!

This will continue to be a topic that I write about more than likely because I think it will be therapeutic for me to get my thoughts/feelings/concerns out through this platform. If there is any topic or point of note that you want to hear from me specifically, leave it in a comment!