I recently have started getting into listening to podcasts as I get ready as part of my morning routine. This came about as I noticed I was heightening my own anxiety in the mornings by overthinking the day before it even started. Instead, I decided it made more sense to focus that energy on a subject or topic that I could learn from or get enjoyment out of. Enter the wide world of podcasts! As I’ve sifted through categories, specials, and subjects I have settled on a select few podcasts that I really enjoy. Below is the list of my current top favorite podcasts, from serious to seriously funny!
The Daily – The New York Times

The Daily is a podcast produced by The New York Times that gives a 30-40 minute news snapshot every morning. This covers both national and international news, which is why I really enjoy this show. There are a handful of different hosts, which I enjoy because of the different perspectives. The show typically focus on one major story, and gives a few brief snapshots of other important news at the end of each show. Topics cover political, social, and economic issues so there is never 1 theme always being discussed. If you’re like me and don’t like to watch the traditional news, this is a great podcast to still be in the know.
Absolutely Not – Heather McMahan

If you don’t know who Heather McMahan is, go ahead and do a quick Instagram search and follow her now! Heather is a female comedian that I’ve been following for years and I love listening to her podcast, Absolutely Not. She is obviously hilarious, but I appreciate her especially because she is a southern girl who moved to New York, and is now back in Atlanta. She sometimes has guests on her podcasts, but lately it’s been more of her retelling what’s been going on in her world. Again, totally hilarious! This is a feel good podcast that is released every Wednesday and is around 1 hour long. Definitely one I would recommend for someone looking for a reason to smile!
Not Skinny But Not Fat – Amanda Hirsch

This podcast is like reading a trashy tabloid magazine, but listening to it instead. Not Skinny But Not Fat is your new guilty pleasure hosted by Amanda Hirsch. Amanda has a huge Instagram following that has now turned into a super popular podcast where she hosts and interviews celebrity guests. She typically drops a new episode weekly on Tuesdays and they last around 45 minutes to 1 hour. Examples of some recent guests are Kourtney Kardashian, Kelly Ripa, and Meghan Trainor. This is a fun, easy listen while moving through your morning routine or commute.
Betrayal – Andrea Gunning and Jenifer Faison

This podcast is certainly not light hearted and is much more pointed in it’s topic. Betrayal unveils a true story and recollection of a marriage torn apart by lies, infidelity, and deception. I first started this podcast on a road trip, and it made time FLY by! The episodes are chronological and follow the story of this disastrous marriage from the ex-wife’s perspective. Without giving much away, you will not get bored with this show! There are 9 full episodes with 2 current bonus episodes available. If you’re looking for a true story that feels like a Coleen Hoover book re-written, you have to check out Betrayal!