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Orange Theory Lift 45 Class

Orange Theory Lift 45 Class


I’ve been doing Orange Theory for around a year now, and something they rolled out at my studio around the time I started is the Lift 45 class. Because I have a love of strength training and the majority of my background involves weight lifting, I was super excited about this option! Something you might be wondering is, what’s the difference between this class and a traditional Orange Theory class? Look no further! I’ve got all the details for you here 🙂

Class Description

Let’s start with how Orange Theory describes the Lift 45 class. Their website summarizes the class as a 45 minute (hence the 45 in Lift 45), resistance training workout. From experience, I would describe it more as a strength training workout instead of resistance training. This class is typically split into 2-3 circuits or rounds on the weight floor to target different major muscle groups. Depending on size, the class might be split in two to work different muscle groups, and then switch!


The major difference between the traditional Orange Theory 60 minute class and this class, outside of time, is that there is very little cardio in Lift 45. Typically, no time is spent on the rower or treadmill when I attend a Lift 45 class. On the other hand, strength training itself does provide a great cardio workout if done right! It’s just not the “traditional” cardio you get from the treadmill or rower. A second difference you’ll notice is the pace of this class is slower and more intentional than a traditional class. That makes sense, though, with this being a strength training versus cardio heavy option!


The great thing about Lift 45 is you’ll be familiar with most of the movements you see! There aren’t many movements in these circuits that you haven’t already seen and done in a traditional 60 minute class. Even though the movements are familiar, you will be asked to lift a heavier weight than you might in a traditional class. The reason for that is that this class’s main focus is building strength versus the traditional class’s the main focus of building cardio endurance.


I want you to know, these Lift 45 classes typically don’t produce the same calorie burn as the 60 minute class. I can have stats from a traditional class of burning over 400 calories! In a Lift 45 class, I typically land somewhere around 200 calories. Regardless, the benefits to your body of incorporating deliberate and dedicated strength training mixed in with cardio endurance are outstanding! I’ve always thought putting all your eggs in one fitness basket is setting yourself up to be at a disadvantage. We want to be strong not only in our cardiovascular system, but also our muscular system!

If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience an Orange Theory Lift 45 class, I suggest you try it! It’s fun, functional, and a fitness experience that’s worth trying!

You can find your closest Orange Theory location by clicking this link and reserving your Lift 45 class!