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Oura Ring Review

Oura Ring Review


If you’ve been living under a rock, there’s a new fitness tracker taking the health and wellness world by storm. It’s called the Oura Ring! My first exposure to this technology was seeing some Formula 1 drivers wearing it during press. Then, the celebrity endorsements on social media started, and in the blink of an eye it seemed like everyone was talking about the Oura Ring! Because I’m a sucker for any type of health and wellness technology, I asked for the ring as a birthday gift in July of last year. I’ve officially been using the Oura Ring for 6 months now, and am excited to share my feedback with you!

What Does It Do?

Measurements Tracked

One of the high points of the Oura Ring is that it measures and monitors a ton of information for you. These metrics include sleep, body temperature, blood oxygen levels, readiness, and more! One of my favorite measurements is the Period Tracker by monitoring my body temperature. As a woman, this is a huge help! I also really enjoy monitoring and watching my sleep and readiness scores on a daily basis to see where I could improve. It helps me identify when I’m at full capacity to have a strong day and I can translate that into some harder workouts!

Below are some screen shots of the different measurements that are tracked on your Oura Ring home screen:

The Explore Feature

The Oura Ring app also offers an Explore feature that I use almost every day. Here you can find guided and unguided meditations along with breathing exercises. There are additional health and wellness video guides in this section of the app that are all encompassing. Topics include bedtime tips, caffeine research, and guides to reading your readiness and sleep scores. Personally, I use the meditation guides 4-5 times a week. They have timed meditations anywhere from 5-30 minutes, so no matter how much time you have you can still carve out time to practice in your day.

Here are a few screenshots to show the Meditate and Learn functionality of the Explore feature:

Syncing Information

Another really great feature of the Oura Ring is that you can sync information from other health and fitness programs you might be using. I sync all my workout information from my Apple Watch for consistency, and like having that data in 2 places. You can also sync information from programs like Strava, Google Fit, and Flo. Being able to share information between platforms makes your Oura Ring even more impactful by having a holistic view of your lifestyle!


With all the great technology involved in the Oura Ring, you can image that it’s not cheap. Depending on which ring you choose, they are priced anywhere between $299-$449. After purchasing the ring, you get a free trial of the subscription service. This subscription service is what provides all the great metrics I’ve talked about. After that trial, the subscription is $5.99/month. Truthfully, to get everything out of this technology you have to have that monthly subscription. Good news is, it’s extremely affordable!

You can also follow this link to receive $50 off of your ring purchase now!