If you’re like me, cardio is not your jam. I guess I should say, conventional cardio is not my jam. I’m not a great runner and I definitely don’t enjoy the elliptical or stair stepper. So, I have to “trick” myself into getting the cardio I need in my routine. Throughout the years I’ve found a couple of workouts that are so fun I forget that I’m actually doing cardio. Here’s some of the unconventional cardio alternatives I’ve found and love!
Dance Fitness

I have an entire post about how much I love Dance Fitness with Jessica, and it is certainly one of my favorite cardio alternatives. I have so much dang fun in these classes, it doesn’t bother me to stay for the full 90 minutes! These livestream classes were also a life saver during quarantine and helped keep me up and active. I cannot suggest these workouts enough as an amazing cardio workout that’s more fun than it is work!
Indoor Cycling

Whether its a Peloton, Soul Cycle, or CYCLEBAR these cardio classes are super popular for a reason. While this is more traditional cardio, it’s the atmosphere that makes these classes so much fun! Dark rooms with awesome, loud music and instructors cheering you on makes the hour fly by. I enjoy mixing these workouts into my routine a couple of times a month to keep things interesting and always feel awesome afterwards!
I have a couple of posts comparing cycling studios, focusing on CYCLEBAR, and local cycling studios you can check out for lots of indoor cycling options.

I get that it’s winter right now and this might not be readily available. But, if you want another sneaky, great cardio work out jump in the pool and turn a few laps. Not only is swimming an excellent cardio option, it’s also extremely low impact! I have a long time friend that’s been a swimmer basically her whole life, and she still has the best metabolism ever to stay lean. Plus, in the summer, swimming is a great way to cool off after sunbathing in your cute new bikini!

This is certainly not a low impact, cardio option. However, if you’re like me and really enjoy being able to take out aggression in a healthy, constructive way boxing is a perfect unconventional cardio workout. I have written about boxing classes before, and I continue to enjoy them. Boxing to me is not just a good physical workout, but it’s also therapeutic for my mental health. I would highly suggest searching your area for boxing class options!

Again, winter time makes this one tough. However, when it is nice out hiking is one of my favorite activities regardless of the cardio benefits. There’s something so rejuvenating about being outside with the fresh air and having a goal to push toward. Double bonus is you usually get awesome pictures! Hiking is definitely a great unconventional alternative to keep in your back pocket!
Final Thoughts
Like it or not, cardio is something that we need to incorporate into our routines to stay healthy. Whether it’s something low impact like power walking or swimming, or higher impact like a boxing class, making it a priority is important. Hopefully some of these ideas will help spice up your own cardio workouts!
Drop your favorite cardio ideas down below in the comments!