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What To Expect In Your First Barre Workout

What To Expect In Your First Barre Workout


After teaching and instructing barre for so many years, I can say it is a type of fitness that I am extremely passionate about. I love the low impact, high result movements that deliver such an endorphin high each and every class! However, I understand that it is scary to try a workout that you’ve never done before especially in a group setting. I’ve written about barre terms to know before you take your first class that will make you feel more comfortable you can read here. Now, I want to give you an overview of what you can typically expect from your first barre class, so that you’re even more confident to give this workout a try!

When You Arrive

In most of the boutique barre studios I’ve been in, they have a similar procedure for when you first arrive. They will typically always introduce you to the instructor, who will ask about your background to see if you have any barre experience. Regardless of if you’re a veteran or brand new, they will typically review the basics of their specific barre method and check to see if you have any questions. When I’m teaching and have a new person in class, sometimes I even will give them a sneak peak of the moves we’ll be doing that day so they feel comfortable and prepared!

After brief introductions, most instructors will help you collect the equipment you need for class. Then, they typically will set you up in a spot in the studio next to a seasoned client or themselves for help or reference. Sometimes the instructor might also brief you on how much of class a typical first time client completes. Barre is such a specialized workout, and this is to encourage you that if you feel like you can only do 50-75% of your first class, then you’re doing it exactly right. After that it’s time to get excited to enjoy your first class experience!

The Class

Most boutique barre style classes follow the same outline. There is usually a full body warm up that lasts around 10 minutes to get your blood flowing and body warmed up for class. Then, depending on which method you’re doing, you will focus independently on different lower body muscles. For Neighborhood Barre, we structure class to focus on thighs first, then seat, and finish with abs. Pure Barre is very similar and tends to follow that same outline, while studios like Barre3 add some extra cardio movements in throughout their class. Regardless of method, after you’ve completed your thigh and seat work each barre method does like to focus on abs to finish class.

My favorite part of a barre class, and the part that I believe is the most important, is your stretch! The stretching finale of class is usually around 5 minutes and is vitally important to you being able to continue to stay active. In barre, we work the muscles to full fatigue so you really do need the stretch for recovery. Take this time to breathe and be proud of yourself for all the hard work that goes into a barre class!

After Class

Immediately after class, most instructors will come directly to you to see how you feel and what you thought of class. Be honest with them! If you were confused during a series or have questions, bring those up so they can help. They are there as your subject matter experts, and I always loved offering modifications or explanations to new clients after class.

Most studios will also discuss any new client promotions or pricing they have going on after your first class. They obviously would love to have you come back and hopefully join as a client in some capacity, so take advantage of the awesome pricing most studios offer new clients!

Finally, prepared to be sore! Barre is a totally different workout than most and you will be sore in places you didn’t even know existed. That’s why I love it so much! You may or may not even break a sweat in class because it’s designed to be low impact while delivering super strong results. Embrace the soreness and schedule your next class to continue to see really awesome improvement!

Final Thoughts

Some may consider me biased, but I have done almost every workout option that exists and always end up back at barre! It is such an easily accessible workout for so many people, and can really be tailored so that each individual client gets his or her best results. You can be in incredible shape, have a knee injury, or be 8 months pregnant and still all be in the same barre class experiencing a great workout! I hope this sneak peak behind the curtain of a barre class gives you the confidence to try this workout out for the first time!

If you do try a barre class, leave you experience in the comments down below! I would love to see what you think!