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Whitney Simmons ALIVE Review

Whitney Simmons ALIVE Review


As I continue to try to find my new normal in Little Rock, my gym routine has been the biggest challenge. In my last post, you read about my experience with my Planet Fitness membership. While I’m can put my own workouts together, I really enjoy having them available on demand. I wanted to try some online programming, and have been following Whitney Simmons for years. So, I downloaded her “alive” app which includes lots of programming options and gave it a try! Follow along to see my thoughts and see if it’s something you want to try!


The best part about this app is the programming options! In my opinion there is literally a program for everyone. She has a library of programming that ranges from at-home beginner series to a “strong” series that is advance and needs more equipment. On top of those programs, which run for weeks at a time, she has categories of targeted workouts saved. Think of having multiple workouts available for legs, upper body, abs, etc. all at your fingertips. That’s what you’re getting through this app!

In my time spent using the app, I chose to work through one of her “strong” series. While I’m writing this I’m starting week 3 of 10. The schedule is built weekly to include separate push and pull workouts, 2 leg days, an upper body day that includes a little extra cardio, and 2 rest days. You will need to have either one heck of a home gym or a big box gym membership to participate in the strong series programming because of equipment needs. A normal workout’s equipment includes a barbell, dumbbells, and the cable machine quite a bit.

I have also been incorporating some of her targeted ab workouts separate from the 10 week programming I’m following. I really enjoy having the different ab workout options! Being a creature of habit, I have been doing the same ab workouts since I was in college, literally! This variety really helps me spice things up and keep myself challenged.


The pricing for this app and programming is phenomenal. You can purchase an entire year’s subscription for less than what a CrossFit or Orange Theory membership will cost you for 1 month. There is also a monthly subscription option, which is incredibly affordable. Also with the monthly membership, you have the option to cancel at any time! The pricing model boils down to being $120/year or $14.99/month.

On top of the excellent pricing, you can try the app out for an entire week for free! So, you have plenty of time to get to know the workout options and see which route you might take. Truth be told, I haven’t done a lot of exploring with workout apps like this one. However, I would say this pricing is extremely affordable and a great way for people to get into working out!


This app isn’t only about the workouts. There are a couple of really nice extras too! I know from following Whitney for years that she’s a big advocate for journaling. Not surprising, she incorporated that into her fitness app. There is an entire space designated for journaling, whether that’s your workouts or just your day.

There is also a “Journey” section of the app where you can track your progress. In this section you have the ability to track your weight, take progress pictures, and view all of your achievements. I’m really excited about being able to track my weight and progress pictures! I know getting back into weight training means my weight will increase, and I hope to see myself get leaner with more muscle with the progress pictures.

Final Thoughts

Overall I have really enjoyed using the ALIVE app! I would obviously like to get through an entire programming cycle, but so far so good. There are tons of workout options, the price is great, and it is very user friendly. Remember, you don’t even need to a gym membership to get a lot of good out of this app! You can follow this link to the website to sign up for your free trial. I’ll also link Whitney’s YouTube channel here so you can visit that if you’re interested!

Leave a comment down below to tell me which fitness programming apps you like to use!