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Why I Recommend the Chiropractor

Why I Recommend the Chiropractor


For years I was always adverse to the idea of going to the chiropractor. The sharp pulling and pressing movements just seemed very scary! Being a total hypocrite, though, I loved to pop my own back & fingers constantly. However, there was a point for me where I was in so much pain I was willing to try anything. That scenario is what lead me to trying chiropractic care for the first time, and I’m so glad I did! The reality is, it might not be for everybody. But, I would encourage you to read along to see my experience with chiropractic care and why I would recommend it.


I’ve been physically active for a long time, whether it’s working out in the gym or doing activities outside. There was a point a few years ago where I was absolutely overdoing it. I was teaching 8-10 barre classes a week and going to CrossFit 5 times a week. On top of that I was doing personal training twice a week. After pushing the limits for a while, I was having a lot of lower back pain. It got so bad that I couldn’t bend over without being in extreme pain. I knew I was too young to be so limited by pain, so I started asking around for suggestions.

My best friend Leslie had been seeing a chiropractor for a while, who she highly recommended. I found out there were a lot of people from our CrossFit gym that also went to see this same chiropractor. I felt comfortable knowing people who personally recommended Kara, so I scheduled my first appointment with her. She did x-rays, some mobility testing, and was able to identify my main issue quickly.

I went through a program of seeing her twice a week, down to once a week, then to bi-weekly. Since then I have been on a once a month visit schedule for “maintenance”. I have never been in that same pain since starting to see Kara, and I am so appreciative for how she’s helped me.

Why I Think It’s Important


The main takeaway I have from the time I’ve spent using chiropractic care is the body awareness I have now. Before, I would just assume that if my body hurt I was sore from a workout. Now that I know what it feels like to be aligned properly, I can tell the different between being sore and being hurt. What lead to my painful situation is I just assumed I was continuously sore from all my workouts. The reality is my hips were so far out of alignment they were pulling my tailbone and spine down with them.

I have been on a maintenance only, once a month program for the last year or so. I now have the body awareness to know if I need to schedule an appointment if something feels off. The relief of knowing why your body feels the way it does plays a huge part in being able to stay active!


I have said for as long as I can remember that I have terrible flexibility. While that might be true, it could also be because I never actually worked towards better mobility. Personally, my hips have always been my main issue. Since we’ve been targeting that in my sessions, I’ve gained a lot more movement and flexibility. Obviously seeing a chiropractor is not the only way to become more flexible. But, if you’re in a spot where stretching hurts on it’s own it might be worth considering. Once you have range of motion for stretching to be beneficial, the package deal can be a game changer!

Do Your Research!

Before you chose a chiropractor, you absolutely need to do your research! Talk to your friends and family about who they see and why they like them. Maybe check with people at your gym and see who they’ve seen. If all else fails, Google it! Just make sure you read as many reviews as possible and take the time to look at websites.

I was really nervous about finding a new chiropractor in Little Rock because of how much I loved my chiropractor in Knoxville. Nobody that I work with had any feedback when I asked, and I don’t really have a gym community here yet. I resorted to Google because I really needed an adjustment and was able to find a doctor named Dylan. He had awesome reviews and I really liked what I saw on his website. Luckily, I feel like I hit a home run right out of the gate.

He was able to help me not only with my hips, but also with shoulder mobility. We worked through things differently than I had before, and I could immediately tell a difference after our session. The good news is, there are a lot of chiropractors that practice. If you don’t find the perfect one of the first try, don’t get discouraged. It is important to feel comfortable and well taken care of!

Final Thoughts

I wish someone had told me how much of an impact the chiropractor can make earlier on, and hate that it took me feeling terrible to try for the first time. Like I said up front, seeing a chiropractor isn’t for everyone. But, if you’re struggling with pain this could be an excellent option to consider. Consult your general doctor, and if there are no red flags I would encourage you to step outside your comfort zone!

Here is the link to Kara Birdwell’s website in Maryville, TN. If you live in the Little Rock area, here is the link to Dylan Machycek’s website.