There are 2 main kickboxing studios in Knoxville, Bullman’s and Title Boxing. I have been to Bullman’s studio before and really enjoyed it, but never had the opportunity to go to Title Boxing until recently! I heard great things, of course, and was excited to take a couple of classes. With very little kickboxing experience I was nervous, but any time I have taken a kickboxing class I have always loved it. Keep reading for some class descriptions and my experience trying out Tile Boxing for the first time!
Class 1: Kickboxing 60 with Brittany
Title Boxing does offer your first class free, and it was really easy to sign up! I went to their website here and submitted my contact information. Afterwards, I called the studio and asked if there was room for me to join the evening Kickboxing 60 class. They were able to sign me up for class over the phone, and asked that I arrive about 20 minutes early to tour the studio. Class started at 6:15 pm, and I got there right around 5:45 pm. We used every bit of that 30 minute window to get me ready for class!
First off, you need wrist wraps for a class at Title Boxing. This aspect was totally new to me. They sell wrist wraps there for $8, or you can buy your own and bring them. They do have extra sets of gloves for you in case you don’t have your own gloves already. I had my own pair of gloves previously, couldn’t find them, and the gloves from the studio worked great! The instructor, Brittany, took 10-15 minutes to go over all of the fighting moves we would be using in class. She demonstrated and gave feedback on all the punches and kicks designed for class, and I am so glad she did! Her taking that time made me feel a lot more confident jumping into class.
The first 15 minutes of class are a cardio style warm up, getting your blood flowing and body moving. The middle 30 minutes of class consists of 8, 3 minute rounds of different kickboxing combos. These combos range and each instructor puts their own class sets together! After those 8 rounds, the last 15 minutes of class are core focused. I love core exercises, so I really enjoyed this last part of class! We finished up with some cool down stretches, and then class was over!
Unfortunately, I don’t have a screenshot of my calories burned during class. I didn’t realize my watch was going to be wrapped under the wrist wraps until it was too late. But, it felt like a great cardio workout that keeps your heart rate consistently high while also incorporating active recovery!
Class 2: Boxing 45 with Justin
The second class I was able to join was an early morning boxing class. I was really excited to get to try out a different class type, and at the time of day where I honestly feel my best! I brought my wrist wraps from the first visit, had the instructor help me get them on, and borrowed a set of gloves again. This class is set up very similar to the first, except that the warm up and core sections are a little bit shorter. The middle 30 minutes of the workout still consist of boxing for 8, 3 minute rounds. The other main difference is that this class did not incorporate any kicks to the bag. Brittany’s 60 minute kickboxing class did incorporate kicks in a lot of the rounds, which is what I had experienced before in previous kickboxing classes.
I really enjoyed how different this class was while still doing a lot of the same moves from Brittany’s class! Justin would start us out with a basic combo, and continue to add on to it until the round was over. That was super helpful with getting the basics down, and then adding on complexity as you get more comfortable! Again, this is a great cardio workout and I was actually able to grab some stats from my Apple watch for this class. Keep in mind, I had to start it before wrapping my wrists. So, the time on the workout is a little longer than the workout itself. Here’s a general idea for calories burned:

Final Thoughts and Pricing
I will say that I am shocked at how “affordable” I would consider the memberships at Title Boxing. I only use quotes there because I understand there are gyms like Planet Fitness where you can have an unlimited membership for something like $10/month. But, the unlimited monthly membership at Title comes in at $99/month. That is what I would consider very reasonable for such a dialed in, boutique style cardio workout. These classes are fun and the instructors are so helpful and knowledgeable in their practice! I would say without blinking an eye you’re getting more than enough bang for your buck here.
If unlimited isn’t what you want to do, they also offer 4 and 8 classes per month memberships. That might be a good option for someone wanting to get in and see how they enjoy the class consistently before making the unlimited commitment. It could also be a good options if you’re wanting to keep things mixed up and do multiple types of workouts throughout the month!
Overall, my experience with Title Boxing was so much fun! I will definitely be back and incorporating these classes into my routine when I have open space.
Check out their website here to sign up for your first free class!