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3 Ways to Keep Working Out While Travelling!

3 Ways to Keep Working Out While Travelling!


Working out while travelling can be really tough. And, ok I get it, not everyone wants to workout when they go on vacation or travel for work! But, it’s summertime and we’re all thankfully able to get out and go somewhere this year. Honestly, I don’t really love to workout on my own vacations. But, I will say because fitness is such a huge part of my routine I feel much more grounded when I do workout while vacationing or travelling for work. I also think there’s a balance and everyone should take time for a break! It is important to not stress about missing a week’s worth of workouts when you should be focused on relaxing and spending time with family and friends. With all of that in mind, below are a few options that I find myself using when I do want to workout when visiting a new area!

1. Find a Local Gym

I have only recently started doing workouts outside of CrossFit. So, over the last 3 years when I would travel I always enjoyed dropping in and visit other CrossFit gyms! The community is so great, and getting to experience other coaches and programming is a blast. Most gyms allow out of town drop ins no problem. There are some who will even waive the drop in fee if you by a t-shirt or tank top! If you want to visit the same gym on a week vacation or long work trip, CrossFit gyms will offer week passes in most areas. I have always googled local gyms in the area and researched before deciding which one I would like to visit. Pro tip: I always end up picking the gyms that show their programming ahead of time so I know what to expect and what equipment to bring with me!

This is also something you could do if you regularly do Orange Theory, CYCLEBAR, or any other franchise workout. I highly encourage visiting other gyms and studios, and have never been disappointed in my experience!

2. Livestream Your Current Workout

COVID sucks, we can all agree. But, one of the best things to come out of it is that just about every fitness option now has a livestream component. For example, Neighborhood Barre has an excellent livestream option that has a ton of class times. I know most of the other barre studios have the same. Orange Theory has an online option, and a lot of CrossFit gyms are offering online programming now.

There are also a ton of fitness influencer app options that are great for using while traveling. Some of my favorite are Whitney Simmons Alive app and the Sweat app developed by Kayla Itsines. The Sweat app was great when it was Kayla alone, but it now has additional trainers like Kelsey Wells and is even better! Some fitness brands also have their own workout apps, like Nike and Gymshark.

As you can see, livestream options are essentially unlimited! Whether you have a full gym available, or just your body weight, there will be an option for you.

3. Pinterest

If trying to sign up for a livestream class or download an app doesn’t sound like something you want to do, don’t worry! Pinterest, as usual, has our back! We all know Pinterest is great for home décor or nail design ideas. But it knocks workouts out of the park too! It takes all of 30 seconds of searching through Pinterest to find 100 different at home workout options. You can get so specific with your search that you can split your workout days into arms, legs, core, and more. Pinterest will also give options depending on what equipment you have available, and even help link you to videos sometimes. I am constantly on Pinterest for workout inspiration when I’m in a lull or trying to do something at home.

You can follow certain Pinterest accounts, boards, or just pin individual pins that you think might be good options. My suggestion would be to search ahead of your travel to pick out a few you might like. That way, when it comes time to workout you don’t have an excuse! Here is my personal fitness Pinterest board for some inspiration!

Reality Check

The reality of it is, it’s hard to keep up with your workout routine when travelling. But, just because it’s hard doesn’t mean you can’t power through and keep your progress in tact! Make time when you can, don’t beat yourself up when you can’t, and enjoy the opportunity for a change of pace!

I hope you find some creative ideas here on how you can keep your fitness progress even while travelling! If you have suggestions that work for you not listed here, leave them down below in the comments!