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F45 Challenge Check In

F45 Challenge Check In


We are officially into week 6 of the F45 8-week challenge, and I figured it was a good time to do a check in. So here’s the bottom line: I’m not doing great. I’m pretty consistent in working out, but it’s mostly not at the F45 studio. My nutrition has been ok, but not very consistent. I would actually say my weight has increased and have no clue what my measurements are. The one part of the challenge I am excelling at, though, is that I am getting good sleep with good water intake. Some might say I’m failing, but I want to tackle this from another point of view. Here’s what I’ve been extremely successful at in these last 6 weeks:

Quality Time

I didn’t move to Little Rock on accident. I moved to Little Rock to get to be close to my significant other and actually live a normal, not long-distance life. Part of that life means making adjustments I didn’t have to make when I was living solo in Knoxville. My biggest adjustment is that I haven’t been working out in the mornings so that I am able to spend more quality time with Aubrey. And you know what? It’s been awesome! I work out at night doing the Whitney Simmons ALIVE programming I’ve written about previously, and we get to spend the evenings AND mornings together.

The main reason I haven’t been doing the majority of my workouts at the F45 studio is because it’s 25 minutes from the house. That makes a 45 minute workout a 2 hour event. They have 2 good early morning class times, but their latest class is at 5:15 pm and I’m not off work until after that. So, if I’m choosing to spend time at home in the mornings I do not have an evening class I can join based off my current schedule. The challenge guidelines, though, say that they just want you working out or moving your body for 45 minutes a day. Overall, I have done well accomplishing that!

Enjoying Food

Food and I have had a roller coaster relationship. I’ve been 18 years old not paying any attention to what I’m consuming. I’ve been 21 years old in college obsessing about every calorie I put in my mouth. I’ve been 28 and eating at my healthiest and strongest. There’s a large spectrum when it comes to me and nutrition. So, for the most part over these first 6 weeks of the challenge I will say I have monitored my food and eaten “healthy” or in a calorie deficit an average of 3-4 days a week. Those other 3-4 days a week I am enjoying eating things that Aubrey and I love. It’s been a blast cooking new recipes at home, exploring and trying a new restaurants, and indulging in ice cream.

The plus side of this is now I am ready to get it back between the lines. I’m glad I’ve given myself this leeway, because now I’m excited to get back to a better place physically. That always starts with diet for me! I’ve said it a million times, but exercise has always been easy because I enjoy it. Getting dedicated to a good nutrition plan is much harder. But, with that being said, I feel refreshed and ready to get back on board with eating healthy 5-6 days a week with a regular cheat day to keep myself sane!


We’re still in the first quarter of the year, but I have already had a couple of opportunities to travel! Aubrey and I got to visit St. Louis quickly to pick up his Tesla. I got to go back to Knoxville to celebrate a lifelong friend at her first baby shower. Aubrey and I also got to go on a small staycation work trip for his company in Hot Springs. Travel is a passion of ours and in all of those places I wasn’t going to let making it to the gym or being worried about my nutrition stop me from being in the moment. I’ve lived like that before, and there’s nothing wrong with prioritizing a workout or your diet. But, for me right now, being present with the people I love is top priority.

Final Thoughts

So yes, I would say that I have not been successful so far in the F45 8-week challenge. But, I still feel like there are wins. I have been consistent with staying active, moderately monitoring my nutrition, and staying hydrated. I have prioritized good sleep, quality time, and general well being over the numbers on a scale or measuring tape. I think it’s important to remember in a time where we are sometimes so vain and worried about our physical looks on the outside, that the inside matters just as much if not more. Don’t beat yourself up for wanting to focus on other parts of your wellbeing. We’re all out here doing the best we can, supporting one another with positivity, and THAT is something to celebrate!