After taking years off of CrossFit, I recently returned back to my home gym in Maryville, TN! I was in town for work, and my best friend and workout partner asked if I wanted to join her back at CrossFit Pistol Creek. Of course, I had to say yes! I was definitely nervous to go back after being out of the game for so long, but also excited to be back in this gym. Here’s a recap of my official CrossFit return workout!
The Workout
In preparation for the Open, the gym has been incorporating workouts to help prep athletes. Thankfully, the morning I was there wasn’t too terribly hard for me to participate in and modify. The workout was split into 3 sections. The first two sections were strictly weight lifting, and the third was straight cardio. Here are the workout details:
- 10 Minute EMOM – Power Snatch
- 10 Minute EMOM – Power Clean
- 7 Minutes of Burpees
You read that right, the last part of class was literally 7 straight minutes of burpees. There has been an open workout previously that was strictly burpees to a target, so this was in preparation for something insane like that.
How It Felt
I will admit that I felt very lucky that this workout included movements I genuinely enjoy. I’m not saying I want to do burpees for 7 minutes very often, but because of my build I do pretty well with them. I also love a weight lifting movement that’s power based versus squat based, so the power snatch and power clean sounded fun!
The biggest thing I had to remember during the weight lifting part of this workout was that I needed to start much smaller than what I was lifting when I left CrossFit. As long as I could keep that in mind, the workout would go fine! I was able to start small, work my way up, and finished with weights that I was still proud of.
EMOM workouts are designed to perform a particular movement(s) every minute on the minute. An EMOM weight lifting workout allows you the time and focus to really perform the movement with the best form possible. This was a perfect workout for me to come back to, having the time and patience to practice these movements again after being gone for a while.
Here’s a screenshot of my workout results:

My main afterthought is that I still have a passion for CrossFit. Even if I’m not an active member in a gym right now, this type of workout is one I will always enjoy. We all go through phases of what workout works for us. Right now, CrossFit isn’t my main choice. But, I do see myself getting back into a CrossFit gym in the future with how much I enjoy how it challenges me!
If you want to see a Reel of this workout, follow this link!