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Tips for Traveling Solo

Tips for Traveling Solo


Over the last year, I have done a lot of traveling solo. Going back and forth in a long distance relationship kind of makes it a requirement. Travel in and of itself can be stressful, especially with additional COVID requirements recently. Add on doing it by yourself, and travel can prompt a lot of anxiety. Personally, I have a lot of friends that have big time anxiety when considering traveling and flying by themselves, so I wanted to share some tips that I’ve learned! Follow along here to see my top tips for traveling solo.

1. Get TSA PreCheck

If you don’t pay attention to anything else from this post, take this tip with you! TSA PreCheck makes traveling so much easier, especially if you’re by yourself. The cost is less than $100 for 5 years, and it pays for itself in convenience after using it just once! Having PreCheck allows you to not be nearly as worried about security lines and can ease some of that time anxiety airports can prompt. Do yourself a favor and sign up for this NOW! The process is easy and you won’t have to mess with it again for years. Here’s a link to the website where you can do more research on TSA PreCheck.

2. Try to Use Carry-On’s Only

I am preaching to the choir on this one because I am the world’s worst over packer! But, depending on the length of your trip if you can keep everything in your carry on and personal item your travel will be much easier. I’m usually able to do this for up to a 4 day trip, and not having to mess with checking a bag is a game changer. Being able to skip checking a bag at the counter saves a bunch of time and helps ease the airport process. Plus you save time at your destination by not having to wait to pick up a bag at the carousel! It’s also comforting for me to know if a flight gets delayed or cancelled, I still have all my belongings with me. This won’t always be an option, but if at all possible I highly suggest!

Here are a couple of really great carry on luggage options if you’re looking for one!

3. Use Your Smartphone

It’s 2022 and we all have smart phones, so use it! First of all, make sure to download your airline’s app so that you’ll always have your boarding pass and flight info in the palm of your hand. Trying to keep up with a paper boarding pass is hard enough without also trying to manage everything else that comes with travel! You can also keep up with gate changes, bag tags, and seating upgrades from all airline apps.

Second, if you’re in a situation where you need to rebook a flight, using your phone will work 100 times faster than trying to talk to a gate agent. A personal example of this is during one weekend trip I was able to rebook a flight with a different airline leaving in 30 minutes while I was still sitting on a flight that had been announced as cancelled. That meant I didn’t miss any time at my destination and didn’t have to stand in line with every other passenger on the plane to get a new flight.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

I know the stress of traveling alone can be overwhelming. Try to remember that airline and airport staff are there to help make your experience as easy as possible. So, if you have a question ask! If you want to see if you can hop on an earlier flight, find a gate agent and ask if there’s room. If you want to try to move seats after being on the plane, as your flight attendant! Most of the time they’re happy to help and it ends up making your experience easier. I’ve also been known to ask flight attendants where my next gate is when I have a tight layover so that I can sprint straight there after we land!

5. Give Yourself Plenty of Time

The top anxiety most people have when traveling is time. Whether it’s missing your connection, being held up in the security line, or not hearing about a gate change, most people worry about missing their flight. To ease some of that anxiety, don’t be afraid to give yourself plenty of time. Once you’re through security, at your gate, and can breathe again take that extra time to read a book, catch up on emails, or grab a drink! After traveling alone a few times, you’ll get more comfortable with knowing how much time you actually need depending on the airport.

Final Thoughts

Traveling can be really exciting, but it can also be tough when doing it alone. If you keep these tips in mind and remember that you’re supposed to be having fun, traveling by yourself will get easier with time! If you think this post is helpful leave a comment down below! I have some additional tips and tricks I would love to share in another post!

Here are some links to other travel posts I’ve done: